Past Campaigns

Conference & Training Workshop

We learned many things through our referendum drive. Key to our learning was giving people the tools they need and cultivating leadership in our movement.

With three days of intense training on everything from campaign management, communications, canvassing, volunteer engagement and how to manage our database, we brought people together to learn specific skills and tools for how to best organize in their community.

It was a real honour to host Mason Tvert and Tonia Winchester. As leaders in reform in Colorado and Washington, they brought a powerful legitimacy to the conference, and had a lot of wisdom to share. There is nothing like winning to inspire a movement!

What makes us strong is the passion and the commitment of our volunteer membership.

People brought their experiences from the campaign, their thoughts an ideas of what we need to do as a movement, and were willing hands and minds to learn the skills to organize a community campaign.It was a great mix of newcomers and folks who had campaign experience to share, and people were quick to help to orient those who were hearing some things for the first time.

We all helped to bring up the knowledge base in our movement. We brought together over two hundred passionate advocates for change on marijuana policy to learn, grow our skills, and connect as a community - an important investment in the nuts and bolts of organizing for change.






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