Serious Coffee - Esquimalt , 1153 Esquimalt Rd , Victoria, BC V9A 3N7 , Canada
Location: Upper level seating area. (the space is booked under 'Sensible BC')
Greetings to all of the local volunteers! At latest count, we have 240 volunteer listed on the local email contact list.
Currently in Victoria, all Bong Shops (Marijuana accessories Head shops) as well as the Dispensaries all have material (and those who don't are aware of this campaign).
Each friendly business, is regularly collecting signatures and talking with customers and clients about the campaign.
Once signature sheets get collected, they get passed on to me (Sam Vekemans), where i enter it into a spreadsheet, then send the spreadsheet to the Vancouver office, where it gets entered into the main database.
At this point, help is needed with everything;
* Getting more stores fit with materials and signup sheets
* Street canvassing to get on the spot signatures of support
* Data entry, help with typing out details to spreadsheet
* Calling volunteers
Online action:
Letter writing - we need to be contacting public officials and getting their support behind the cause
Tweeting - connecting with public officials on twitter
Facebook - sharing information from SensibleBC and collecting support
YouTube - sharing videos
Google+ - Sharing information
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