Event Calendar

Khatsahlano Street Party

July 12, 2014 at 1:00pm - 5pm

Khatsahlano Street Party , 2198 W 4th Ave , Vancouver, BC V6K 4SN , Canada

The Khatsahlano Street Party is one of Vancouver's largest summer festivals. This year Sensible BC is going to be taking part in the festivities. We won't have a booth setup at the festival but we are going to have mobile canvassing teams working the crowd. 

We'll be meeting at the 49th Parallel Coffee Shop on the corner of Yew and West 4th Ave at 1:00pm. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes and bring a clipboars and a couple pens if you have them!


Contact Nick at


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Tom McIllfaterick

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    rsvped 2014-07-09 11:12:15 -0700