
MMPR Court Case Update

Posted on Mar 10, 2015 by Dana

As we approach the one year anniversary of the injunction to protect the patient’s right to grow marijuana, the federal government is in court right now challenging that decision.

This case is important for anyone who wants to see the end of marijuana prohibition in Canada. It’s about preserving a patient's right to legally choose how they get their own medicine.

Medicinal marijuana patients are some of the most vulnerable people in Canada. It took years of fighting through stigma and prohibitionist rhetoric to get to the point where they have access to the medicine they need.

The current government is trying to force patients to start buying their cannabis from a small number of licensed producers at a much higher personal cost.  We don’t think that’s fair.

Sensible BC is standing up for the rights for patients. Will you join us? Please sign our petition, and if you are near Vancouver, come on down to the courthouse this Thursday to show your support in person.

Dana Larsen

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