
The Sensible BC campaign needs your help!

It costs money to make change happen. We need your help to pay for flyers, postage, travel, advertising and community events! We can gratefully accept donations from anyone in Canada or around the world.

1) DONATE ONLINE: Make a donation right now using the form on the right side of this page or sign up for a Monthly Membership by following this link.

2) CHEQUE OR MONEY ORDER: You can also donate by cheque or money order, made out to “Sensible Change Society” and send it to us at:

Sensible Change Society
#311 - 207 West Hastings St.,
Vancouver, BC, V6B 1H7 

3) EMAIL MONEY TRANSFER: You can also make a donation to the campaign by email money transfer to:  [email protected]

When sending an Email Money Transfer, make the Security Question be “What is our cause?” and the Answer must be “sensible”.



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  3. Payment
Contributions are not tax deductible.