
February Newsletter

Posted on Feb 25, 2015 by Nick

As we mentioned in our last email, we will be having orientation meetings across the province on what Sensible BC is doing in the next few months. This past Saturday, we held our first orientation meeting and CTV came by to do a story on us. CLICK HERE or on the image to the right to watch their report.

Medicinal home-grow trial gets started

Downtown Vancouver was host to a major rally in favour of the rights for cannabis patients to grow their own medicine on Monday morning. The event was timed to coincide with the launch of the Federal Court trial. 

Patients are trying to preserve their ability to grow their own cannabis, instead of being forced to buy it at inflated prices from Health Canada's Licensed Producers. We at Sensible BC support safety regulations and oversight around home medical cannabis cultivation, and we oppose the government’s efforts to ban it. 

We need to make the federal government listen. If you haven’t already, please click on this link to sign our petition calling on the federal government to let patients grow their own medicine

Great news from the USA

Yesterday marked the first day of legal marijuana sales in Alaska. They worked hard to make sure that the referendum was a success. This now means that the American states above and below BC have fully legal cannabis! 

The other piece of great news is that as of midnight tonight Washington DC will have also legalized marijuana. Unfortunately the District will not be able to fully tax and regulate it because of pressure put on the city by the US Congress. The citizens will however be able to carry up to two ounces and grow up to 3 plants per person without being arrested. Over 70% of the people of Washington voted in favour of legalization, and although Republicans in Congress tried to stop any changes from taking place, both the Mayor and Police Chief recognize that the people have spoken and will respect their decision. 

Their victory is a triumph for our entire movement, and we need to keep in mind that we are on the right side of history. We can do it here in Canada too!

Thanks again!

Sensible BC Team

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