Thank you so much for pledging to vote against the Conservatives in the upcoming federal election.
Every new supporter brings us one step closer to making marijuana reform a reality.
Here are a few things that you can do right now to help make this campaign a success:
1) Register to Vote: Make sure that you are a registered voter at your current address by registering with Elections Canada today. Follow this link to register or verify your registration.
2) Get Involved: Grassroots efforts require a large team working in all parts of the province. If you're passionate about this issue then we need you to sign up as a volunteer. Follow this link to sign up today or send an email to [email protected]
3) Make a donation: Pushing for marijuana reform isn't cheap. Help us keep the lights on and the issue moving forward by making a small contribution today. Click here to donate now!
4) Spread the word: Use the social media links at the bottom of the page to invite your friends and family to join our campaign to bring in a new federal government. Our supporters are our most important ambassadors so please help spread the word!